I wish to be sleepless in Seattle…


I wish to be sleepless in Seattle...

This photo was taken around this time last year when I ventured off to visit my brother up in Washington State. Oh, the joys of Seattle. Many speak of great depression and a gloominess that rests on the city, but I find it to be exciting. I find it to be peaceful. I find it to be…home. When asked what draws me to the dreary state, the only thing that comes to mind is, “Well, people understand the brilliance of the sunlight there.” It seems as though people all around have become so accustomed to the dark. A nature of pessimism has definitely taken its tole. The scarceness of sunlight makes one appreciate the days the sun peeks through the clouds. As a New Mexican, and temporarily a Missourian, I have known sunlight my entire life. The glory of sunlight has faded. I wish to be in Seattle, because I wish to “awe” at the sun again.